Ridgeland Chamber honors business leaders

Ridgeland Chamber honors business leaders


Business leaders and city officials recently filled the Country Club of Jackson to celebrate  Ridgeland’s economic growth and development during 2023 and to honor volunteers for their dedicated service to the Chamber and City.

Forever Motown featured Jackson’s Mo’ Money Band with a special video tribute to 2022 and 2023 Ridgeland Chamber President Ray Balentine of Michael Baker International from Motown legend G.C. Cameron, lead singer for The Temptations.  Ray, a graduate of Mississippi State University, also received a video tribute from Mississippi State University President Dr. Mark Keenum congratulating Ray on two very successful years as Ridgeland Chamber President.

Ray passed the President’s gavel to 2024 Ridgeland Chamber President Cecil Harper of Harper, Rains, Knight & Company, P.A.

“With our 2024 theme Turning Vision Into Reality, we will continue our mission of not only helping businesses to succeed, but helping businesses turn their vision and dreams into reality,” said 2024 Ridgeland Chamber President Cecil Harper. “Let’s make 2024 the year when we all turn our visions into reality.”

The Awards Banquet also honored Ridgeland Chamber volunteers for their contributions to the Chamber and the City of Ridgeland.

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