CANTON — A Texas man who was a person of interest in a weekend shooting that left one man dead turned himself in to police on Saturday.
REUNION — The investigation is continuing into the horses that were shot on Christmas Day at the Reunion Stables.
RIDGELAND — About 30 students will have their art displayed at the Bill Waller Craft Center through the end of January as part of the city’s 125th-anniversary celebration.
Intense storms, including tornadoes, are possible in Madison County through this evening.
Two horses were shot at the Reunion Horse Stables around Christmas Day.
The Bear Creek Water Association will open a new office building and workshop space at 586 Church Road following site plan approval from the city of Gluckstadt earlier this month.
GLUCKSTADT — Serving hours for on-site alcohol consumption could be extended after city officials approved a resolution supporting the measure earlier this month.
In past years I have suggested going beyond Christmas and other holiday gifts that will soon be forgotten, returned or worn out, in favor of one that will last for generations to come.
Gluckstadt Police made two separate drug arrests during traffic stops earlier this month.
Law enforcement authorities say they will be on the lookout for drunk drivers and illegal fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
RIDGELAND — A groundbreaking initiative has begun here, as the doors have opened for The Lily Pad Cafe, a not-for-profit restaurant dedicated to creating meaningful employment opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Attorney General Lynn Fitch donated nine overdose kits to help Madison County schools stay prepared.
A Gluckstadt man was arrested after shooting a deer in front of the new police station.
RIDGELAND — City officials surprised long-time Mayor Gene F. McGee by naming the recently-constructed $15.9 million City Hall in his honor.
Girl Scout Troop 4421 has embraced continuity in their care of the Madison County community and recently visited Madison the Rehab & Nursing where they shared holiday cheer.
RIDGELAND — A new specialized brush/rescue truck to handle narrow roads and rough terrain in some of the newly annexed parts of the city was delivered last month.
MADISON — A new alliance of local businesses looks to strengthen and grow businesses within the city.
Evidence the U.S. Attorney’s Office plans to use in its federal bribery and wire fraud case against former Madison County Engineer Rudy Warnock has been sealed by the court.
GLUCKSTADT — A man accused of stealing an SUV in Jackson was arrested in the stolen vehicle on I-55 here earlier this month.
If you have a Bible, please turn with me to Psalm 122. As we look at this psalm together, I want to examine two questions — Why is the psalmist glad? And why is he so concerned for Jerusalem? And then I want to follow up with a third question — What does this mean for us, believers upon whom the end of the ages have come – not old covenant believers, but new covenant believers, those who now serve the Lord in the days between the ascension and the return of Christ?
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